The annual Rhode Island NABA Butterfly Count, sponsored by Audubon, was successfully completed on July 12, and the data is available here! We counted 3521 butterflies and 51 species, and had some great sightings such as Hickory Hairstreak, Variegated Fritillary, Eyed Brown, Zabulon Skipper, and more! You can read the press release here.
It's been a great season, but it is drawing to a close. There are no more upcoming RI butterfly events that we know of. However, nearby state butterfly clubs have a few more events in store. Go to the Connecticut Butterfly Association or the Massachusetts Butterfly Club events pages to check out the remaining field trips of the year. And if you want to stay local, you can visit coastal areas such as Napatree Point, Beavertail State Park, or Sachuest Point to look for migrating monarchs. Peak migration time is Sept. 8-20 in our area, so now's the time to go!
Want to get tips on where to see monarchs, or otherwise talk about butterflies? Then visit the Yahoo discussion group, Ocean State Butterflies, where you can ask butterfly questions, post your sightings and photographs of RI butterflies, and network with other butterfliers. Anyone can view the messages. To post messages and view files and photos, you need to have a Yahoo account and join the group. Don’t have a Yahoo account? It’s free! Just click on the Sign Up link at the top of the page.
Please let us know of any events to add. We hope you will enjoy this site and visit frequently! If you have comments or questions, please contact me at
Happy Butterflying!
July Lewis