Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Late Summer/Fall Butterfly Programs

Summer is more than half over, but it feels like it just got here! Be sure to take advantage of butterfly season before it slips away. We invite you to attend one of Audubon's upcoming butterfly programs:

Touisset Butterfly Walk ~ Find colorful butterflies in the fields and meadows of Audubon’s Touisset Refuge in Warren. Saturday, August 22, 10 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Rain date Sunday, August 23.

Monarchs at Napatree Point ~ Migrating monarchs abound at Napatree Point in Westerly. Bring lunch for this van trip leaving Powder Mill Refuge in Smithfield at 10 a.m., returning at 3 p.m. Saturday, September 26. Rain date Sunday, September 27.

Call 401-949-5454 for more information and to register, or email Eugenia Marks at emarks@asri.org.

Hope to see you there!

July Lewis & Eugenia Marks