Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Butterfly Count 2010 is complete!

We successfully completed this year's NABA Butterfly Count in RI! The East Bay survey circles were counted on June 19 and the West Bay circles were counted on July 10. The results are still coming in and mystery photos are being identified, but this much we know--it will be a record-breaking year for numbers of butterflies! The previous maximum was 3,521 butterflies, and already we have 4,889 butterflies recorded! Much of this is due to one field in the Bristol Co. survey area that is teeming with Baltimore Checkerspots. 3,240 were counted in this one field! We are working with researchers who are studying this site and its amazing abundance. Another great find was the American Snout, which has never been found on the RI Butterfly Count before. It is a migrant species that is only seen occasionally in our area.

More interesting sightings are being reviewed--stay tuned for the final results!