The final results for the Audubon Society of Rhode Island’s 7th annual North American Butterfly Association Count have been released! Check it out by clicking here.
Sites in the East Bay were surveyed on June 19, and sites in the West Bay were surveyed on July 10. The 61 participants ranged from amateurs to Audubon naturalists to professional lepidopterists. Over the two survey dates a total of 7,221 butterflies were counted, more than double the previous maximum of 3,521 butterflies counted in 2008. This huge jump is due to 3,240 Baltimore Checkerspots counted in one field--which is more that we usually get for the whole state for all butterfly species combined!
We have been aware of this amazing, privately owned field in Bristol for a few years now, but this is the first time we have been able to get a team big enough and expert enough to survey the entire thing...not an easy task when there are butterflies bouncing everywhere you look!
Even without the Baltimore Checkerspots, it was a good year for butterflies. The spring and summer have been warm but not so dry that nectar sources dry up, and butterflies have been plentiful and early. We recorded an American Snout, which is a rare migrant to RI and has never before been seen on the count. We found a Broad-winged Skipper, also new to the count. It is not a rare butterfly but it tends to emerge just after the count is over. This year's warm temperatures may have caused them to start emerging a bit early. Harry Pavulaan, our RI butterfly expert, identified some Northern Crescents in our photos, which are extremely similar to the common Pearl Crescents.
So enjoy checking out the results. Feel free to contact me with any questions!
July Lewis
401-949-5454 x3044
jlewis at