...for the 2015 Rhode Island Butterfly Count !!
Dates for the public counts, led by a Audubon naturalist, are tentatively scheduled as follows:
- East Bay Circles on Saturday, June 27th: Audubon Environmental Education Center in Bristol, Touisset Wildlife Refuge in Warren and Nockum Hill in Barrington
- West Bay Circles on Saturday, July 18th: Powder Mill Ledges Refuge in Smithfield, Trustom Pond in South Kingstown, Newman Farm/Smithfield/Glocester
- The count at Fisherville Brook Refuge in Exeter will be held on Sunday, July 19th.
Who will be leading the public counts you ask? I am in the process of confirming leaders for public walks and will post them here once we have commitments in place.
Private Counts: If you are planning on counting again this year it would be great if you would drop me a note with your name and the area you plan to count. As always, thank you so much for contributing your time and talent!
I will be sending out a note to past participants and leaders this week to determine if you will be joining us again this year. So if you do not receive a note, please reach out to me at jscoones@asri.org or 401-949-5454 x3044.
If you need to dust off your butterfly identification skills, take a look at the educational powerpoints we have posted under Butterfly Resources!