Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Eighteen days and counting!

I cannot believe that it has already been a year since the last Rhode Island Butterfly Count!

This year we have been fortunate to have a Conservation Intern!   Jennifer LeBeau has been organizing this year's counts and is available to answer your questions and send you any information you may need.  She is available at jlebeau@asri.org

This year the counts are as follows:
June 25th - East Bay locations:
Audubon Nature Center in Bristol
Nockum Hill Refuge in Barrington
Audubon Touisset Refuge in Warren

July 23rd - Providence & West Bay Counts:
Trustom Pond NAtional Wildlife Refuge in Charlestown
Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Refuge in Smithfield
Audubon Newman Refuge in Smithfield
Audubon Fisherville Refuge in Exeter

As a reminder, the following items are available on this site:
1) 2016 Butterfly Count Instructions
2) A list of public and private count sites (for folks to lead their own counts)
3) Resources and videos for identifying butterflies
4) A map showing the count circles of Rhode Island

The format of the counts is the same as in previous years -with the following exceptions:

  • PUBLIC Counts: Folks participating in a public count must register ahead of time.  Please click HERE to register.   There is a $5.00 fee that is passed on to the North american Butterfly Association.
  • PRIVATE Counts: Folks with the ability to identify butterflies can lead their own private walks (i.e. with friends or family members).  A list of existing count locations is available in the resources column of his page (2016 Survey Site / Counter List) OR folks may choose a new location.  Be sure to advise us of your site location and the results!   If participants of a private count want to have their names included in the North American Butterfly Association (NABA) report for 2016 they need to pay$5.00 for every name.  This fee is collected by Audubon and passed along to NABA.  contact Jon or Jenn at jlebeau@asri.org with questions.

Photo by Tyler Bissonette